It has been brought to my attention that the wizard in the beginning points you west, when in fact you have to go east... Soo yeah, go east ;)

Opening a new business is hard, so when a wizard approaches you with a letter to deliver you waste no time and go on your way. But will you stray from your path if you can go pretty much anywhere, or will you head straight to your goal?


The game was made for a gamejam, and it turns out that even 96 hours is not a lot of time to fill a full world with life. So if you find even 2 or 3 different quests I would be happy. I guess my goal was too ambitious, but I did want to take something huge like an open world game and make it into something small and I hope I succeeded at least at some level.

For you completionists out there, there are 8 quests in the game, good luck finding them all...



Music by - SketchyLogic

Everything else by - AndideBob


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west is to the left, but the hut is to the right of the office


the wizard said Weast

(1 edit) (+1)

I quite enjoyed the game and its simplicity. I need to add it to my list of types of games I want to learn how to make!

I do wish the map was a little larger and you could hold down the directions though