Take up the robe (or mantle if you prefer to be comfy) of a ruthless cult leader that is trying to bring upon the end of the world. Joined by your comptetent cultists you will have to try to stay under the police's radar whilst trying to please the Great Old One and further the ritual. Cultthulhu, at it's core, is inspired by the mechanics and the looks of Reigns.

You will get random events for which you have make choices, with your decisioneither raising or lowering your four stats. Followers - Money - Attention - Ritual.

You make  a choice by either swiping left or right.

 Followers is how many people are attending your cult meetings, the money represents how well you can pay your contacts, the attention should never be full - otherwise the police will find you.

Once your ritual stat is completely filled you will successfully perform the ritual and summon the Great Old One into this world.

A game by:

@AndideBob and @ToastiChron

Note: I did not manage to upload a final version in time because Unity did not play music in the web build... So I guess the game is just silent now.

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